Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Choice 1: James 1. “Be Ye Doers of the Word and Not Hearers Only”

1.    Read James 1 and respond in writing to the following items:
o       What words or phrases encourage you to look for direction from God?
In James 1:5 it says, “if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God”
                In James 1:6 it says, “Let him ask in faith, nothing wavering.”
In James 1:12 it says, “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation.”
o       How did James further define the phrase to “ask in faith”?
James says that we must ask in faith and be unwavering.  We must have the faith to ask of God and then act when he gives us the answer.
o       How do Matthew 6:24 and 1 Kings 18:21 add to your understanding of James 1:8?
         All three scriptures talks about how no man can serve two masters.  We need to decide whether we are on the Lord’s side and be immoveable and follow the commandments.  We cannot say we are on the Lord’s side and then sin and break the commandments.  If we are doing those things then we are serving two masters and we will not have eternal life. 
o       From James 1:13–15, 19–27, make an outline of how we can better live the gospel of Jesus Christ.
         We can live a better life by:
1.     Knowing that God cannot tempt us with evil.  We need to be aware of who is leading us down the wrong path.
2.    We need to control our lusts and know that it is a sin and it will not lead us to eternal happiness.
3.    We should be “swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.”  We need to have control and listen not only to the spirit but to the people around us.  We should have good communication. 
4.    We need to put aside the evil and grow to be meek.
5.    We need to be doers and follow the commandments; we need to make sure we do not deceive ourselves in doing the wrong thing. 
6.    We need to serve others.
o       Give a few modern examples of how you have recently seen individuals exemplify James 1:22.
         I see people all around be doers of the word.  I live in a wonderful Ward where people are genuinely good.  They do not follow the commandments so they can receive recognition.  I see small acts of kindness happen all the time.  Small things that are never noticed.  For example I have noticed a sweet girl in my ward comes in late every week to relief society but I notice when she gets in she looks around the room and find someone who is sitting alone.  I think that she comes in late so she can sit by the people who sit alone. 
2.    Read the institute student manual commentary for James 1:5–6, “If Any of You Lack Wisdom” (p. 409). Make a list of reasons why Elder Bruce R. McConkie (1915–1985) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said these verses have “had a greater impact ... upon mankind than any other” scripture.

1.           The crowing act of the ministry of James was his guidance of the Holy Ghost.  
2.           We each will have a time in our lives where we need to bow down and ask God for the truth.