Sunday, October 21, 2012


Choice 3: Romans 6. Baptism
1.    Review Romans 6:1–13 and answer the following questions in writing: 
What must be done with sin before baptism can occur?
         Sin must be destroyed.  Romans 6:6 “…henceforth we should not serve sin”
What events from Christ’s life are symbolized in baptism?
Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.
Considering this symbolism, why couldn’t someone be baptized by sprinkling?
True faithful baptism is a whole renewal.  Just like Christ’s body that was resurrected.  We must be rid of all our sins and that is why our whole body goes under the water. 
What do these verses teach us about how we can maintain the “newness of life”?
After we are baptized our sins are washed away. It is a renewal and we are able to start our life again.  Our sins are no more.
According to Mosiah 3:19, what part of us would ideally die at baptism?
The natural man
2.    Study Romans 6:14–23. Write a paragraph that describes how we know whose servant we are. Then write a statement identifying the true source of freedom.
We obey our Heavenly Father and so we are his servants.  We are here to further the work of the Lord.